Location: Artomatic, Crystal City, Virginia, USA
Visited: June 2012
Though I'd heard of it numerous times in the past, this was my first time visiting Artomatic, which is arguably the biggest art show in the area. I say arguably because with 1500 artists you're bound to have a whole bunch of crap, but the awesome thing is that there is enough great stuff that it's totally worth visiting. I found it insanely inspiring, and while I didn't manage to join in on the sketchcrawl (which was the main reason I went, actually), I am so glad I went and I will definitely have to block off a few days next year to go again. There's simply no way to see it all in a single day, much less a single afternoon. On this page is only a very small sampling of the many amazing things I saw. If you're in the area, you simply must check it out.