Monday, March 12, 2018

Farmville, VA

Place Visited: Farmville, Virginia, USA
Date: November 2017

Farmville took me by surprise.  There's a whole lot going on down here.  These pages are somewhat general but also about the stirring exhibit I saw at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts by V.L. Cox.  I only went there to visit their Art-o-Mat machine but I am so glad I stayed to explore the rest of the museum.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Pamplin, VA

Place Visited: Pamplin, Virginia, USA
Date: November 2017

I drove a little bit out of my way to visit Pamplin, mostly because it had two Little Free Libraries. But what I found there was a striking example of urban decay, with an entire row of houses completely abandoned and crumbling. It was beautiful.  The pipe factory was pretty cool too but unfortunately there wasn't anywhere to pull off so I could get a good look at it.  Someday I'd like to visit again to photograph and draw the whole place.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Appomattox, VA

Place Visited: Appomattox, Virginia, USA
Date: November 2017

I agree that this is where the best part of the Civil War occurred, but to be honest it's not all that interesting to visit.  I've seen more than my fair share of Civil War-era stuff, so while the McLean house is quite pretty and the jail has some interesting voiceovers, by and large it's just old buildings in a quiet field.  Which is fine, as far as that goes - just not worth going out of my way for, honestly.