Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Frederick County, VA

Location: Middletown and Stephens City, Virginia, USA
Visited: January 2014

Admittedly, I only visited these towns on my way to Winchester, but they were quite nice all the same. You really can't beat the scenery: one of my favorite sights is the Appalachian mountains at dawn.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winchester, VA

Location: Winchester, Virginia, USA
Visited: January 2014

First Glue Stick Tourism of the new year! This was another one of my "pick a place and go" trips. I made a detailed snarf map, started first thing in the morning, and continued from sunrise to sunset. I logged some 180 markers over the course of the day and had a fine time. I think my favorite stop was Mt. Hebron Cemetery, but I'm partial to graveyards to begin with. I also took a tour of the Old Court House Civil War Museum, though it didn't hold the answer to my more burning question: how did they get those cannons up to the second floor?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Dubuque, IA

Location:Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Date visited: December 2013

While visiting my family over Christmas, my aunt, my cousin, and I went tooling around town, looking at all the old buildings. It's a beautiful old river town, one my family's lived in for generations. We even watched some bald eagles fishing on the partly-frozen Mississippi River. Oh yeah, and the Killer Bee shots were pretty delicious. :)